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Best Skin Care Tips During Pregnancy

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Being pregnant is a feeling which every woman cherishes but this amazing feeling brings along a lot of skin issues as well. Some women’s skin would glow, some might experience pigmentation on their skin. This doesn’t mean women should feel scared of getting pregnant.

Here we explain how you can prevent skin issues to occur during pregnancy and what you should follow for skincare during pregnancy:

1. The first and foremost step is to drink plenty of water, almost two liters a day. Water reduces toxins in your body and maintains the right amount of amniotic fluid which is beneficial for both; the mother and baby.

Young pregnant woman applying a face cream in her bathroom.
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2. Sleep almost 8 hours a day, as this way a mother would feel well-rested and will have more energy during the day. Also, sleeping 8 hours would prevent dark circles to appear beneath your eyes and mothers will look fresh and glowing.
3. Apart from skincare during pregnancy, do not compromise on a balanced diet. During pregnancy, many women would experience cravings for unhealthy food. Yes, you can fulfill your cravings but keeping a diet plan advised by a doctor in mind. This will help mothers to maintain good skin.
4. Follow your regular skincare regime. Do not compromise on your skin routine. Try using moisturizers that are oil-based and contains a good hydrating agent. Avoid harsh face washes and cleansers. Keep your skin clean and healthy always.
5. Keep your skin protected from the sun by wearing sunscreen when going out.
6. Use branded cosmetics and skincare during pregnancy. Tested and clinically approved products that would not harm skin during pregnancy should be used. Read the instructions carefully before using any product.
7. Most importantly, do not stress. Stay calm and follow exercises that would help you feel relaxed and which are recommended by your doctor during pregnancy.
8. Always remove makeup before going to bed. During pregnancy, women would feel tired and many times would sleep with makeup on. Do not make this mistake if you want good healthy skin.
These are few important things to follow to maintain glowing skin during pregnancy.


This is our research and every skin type is different. Please consult your doctor in case of any skin-related problems. We do not claim any responsibility for this piece of information.


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