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Want to know about microdermabrasion, and how it improves your skin? We heard you!

Microdermabrasion is a treatment that can make your skin smooth and youthful. It reduces acne, fades pigmentation and scarring. The question arises how does this treatment works and is it good for you?

What is Microdermabrasion?

As we know micro means small/light and dermabrasion means exfoliating mechanically or physically. Together it would mean light exfoliation. We can exfoliate our skin at home as well but it would not be near to what we can get from a professional treatment. A professional would exfoliate deeper as at home, we can exfoliate only the upper skin layer which is usually a dead layer. Exfoliation is good for us as it removes bad/dry and scarred skin. New skin will emerge which will be healthy.

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This Microdermabrasion procedure is non-invasive and stimulates blood flow which improves cell production. This eventually improves skin’s texture and elasticity.
There are many types of microdermabrasion procedures happening nowadays; traditional methods use fine crystal dust blasted on the skin to scrub and remove dead skin. Another method uses rough tips that glide onto the skin and buff away the dead skin. These procedures not just exfoliate but push products into the skin such as; hydradermabrasion – which acts as a hydrating agent for the skin.

Is the process safe?

This is one of the common questions asked by people, that either this treatment is safe or not? The answer is YES! This process is safe and has been experimented with by dermatologists. There are risks associated which include mild redness, dryness, and skin irritation which are usually short-lived. The basic idea is to stimulate the skin to make it healthier immediately. Nowadays home kits are also available but we will not recommend those as it would require a lot of care. Yes, it can be safe too to use home kits if they are of the best brand, and procedure has been done correctly.


This is our research and every skin type is different. Please consult your doctor in case of any skin-related problems. We do not claim any responsibility for this piece of information.


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