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Blackheads are a common skin condition that can affect anyone in the world. There is a prevalent misperception that they are only seen on women, although this skin ailment can affect everyone. A blackhead arises when sebum from a person’s skin oil production becomes stuck around the pores on the epidermis’s surface. When confined, this oily discharge oxidizes, leaving tiny pimples on the face. Each blackhead is composed of substances from the skin’s oil, which is why many of them appear around the hairline. The hair touches the skin and traps a significant amount of oil, resulting in the formation of a blackhead.
Microdermabrasion is an efficient resurfacing treatment that everyone with blackheads, regardless of skin type, can try. This technique is quite popular because suction heads are used to remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells, obstinate spots and reduce the size of pores. The pulling power massages lift and improve circulation and lymphatic drainage to remove sebum, preventing the formation of blackheads and whiteheads and preserving the attractiveness of an individual’s skin.

[bt_highlight]Benefits of Microdermabrasion[/bt_highlight]

Causes of blackheads
The presence of blackheads is based on various factors such as age and hormone level, overproduction of skin cells, excessive sweating, and drugs. A person’s hormone level varies with age. Blackheads, like every other acne symptom, emerge spontaneously during puberty. People experience hormonal shifts when their sebum production increases. However, blackheads can form at any age and on any portion of the face, particularly around the nose. Hormonal changes associated with menstruation, pregnancy, and birth control medications can increase the likelihood of blackheads in women.
Furthermore, blackheads form because of an overproduction of skin cells. Other causes include clogged pores resulting from the operation of cosmetic beauty products and even the garments; extreme fatigue; shaving products resulting in the opening of hair cells; high level of humidity; hormonal disbalance, and PCOS.

Benefits of Microdermabrasion to remove blackheads
A crystal-based or diamond-tipped instrument is used in the microdermabrasion technique. A diamond tip is also used in this skincare program to remove dead skin cells, revealing a smoother complexion effectively. Therefore, a fine spray of light abrasive crystals is swept over the skin during a Microdermabrasion facial. This procedure eliminates the top section of the blackhead and loosens the dead skin. The blackheads will progressively disappear when a person returns for additional treatments. It will also remove the dead skin and excess oil that is the source of the problem in the first place. Furthermore, Microdermabrasion accelerates cell renewal resulting in a minor occurrence of blackheads.

Preventing Blackheads from reoccurrence
A person can avoid the recurrence of blackheads by taking good care of the skin. Therefore, it is essential to cleanse the skin daily and adequately and apply the right cosmetics to the skin. It is necessary to consume a healthy diet. The easiest and most effective strategy to optimize the efficiency of exfoliants is to obtain enough rest. Also, it is advised not to agitate the skin after the microdermabrasion process.


This is our research and every skin type is different. Please consult your doctor in case of any skin-related problems. We do not claim any responsibility for this piece of information.


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