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Some of the most popular skincare treatments available today are hydrafacial, EPN (Electroporation), microdermabrasion, and microneedling, etc.

A question may cling on people’s mind who wish to get skincare treatment, “Which is better treatment: Hydrafacial or Microneedling?” It’s a logical and very pertinent question indeed!

In essence, both the treatments are working to achieve the purpose. But most of the people do not know which treatment will work fine in treating their acne, scars, fine lines, or blemishes, etc. There is a clear difference between both the types of treatments. Hydrafacial and Microneedling perform differently. Let’s see how do they perform and the skincare results they achieve.

Hydafacial vs Microneedling: Some Similarities

Before we go through this blog to know how Hydrafacial is different from and Microneedling, let’s see how and where they perform in similar fashion.

Both hydrafacial and Microneedling Manchester are revered for injecting fully-customized, skin-rejuvenating products deep into the concerned skin. As a result, both the treatments collectively:

• augment cellular turnover,
• support blood flow to the face and
• enhance overall skin health

In particular, both the treatments fight against a range of impurities and imperfections in the skin, especially when they are performed in a series. These include operating to:

• Diminish pore size
• Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
• Fade hyperpigmentation, including age spots and dark marks
• Even out skin tone and texture
• Impart a radiant glow to skin
• Brighten the skin

What is Hydrafacial?

The succulent hydration treatment employs a multi-step procedure in skin cleansing, purifying and revitalizing the affected skin. Every step involved in hydrafacial provides the skin with powerful benefits. HydraFacial is a fast and efficient skin treatment method and only needs approximately 30 minutes in a single treatment session. The patient may put on makeup and get back to routine activities rsoon after the treatment as there is no downtime.

What Is Microneedling? How Does it Work?

Microneedling is a simple yet effective skin care treatment procedure. It needs 30 – 60 minutes procedure. During treatment, the aesthetician passes a dermapen device called Rejuvapen over the skin. Now-a-days a more vibrant EPN Pen is being used. This tool specifically holds super fine needles whose job is to create microinjury to the concerned skin at predefined spacing, depths, and frequency in the skin. During the course of healing up the injury, the treated skin rejuvenates. Furthermore, the treatment can be customized to inject skin-restoring products deep under the skin, such as:

Microneedling with Hyaluronic Acid (HA)

The naturally-occurring molecule HA deeply hydrates in the skin to restore its glow.

Microneedling with Meso Vitamins

The antioxidant-rich vitamins B, C and E safeguard the skin cells from factors like free-radicals and environmental, oxidative stress.

Microneedling with PRP

The platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) in patients’ own blood heals the skin by excessively promoting collagen production to improve cellular turnover.

What is the Hydrafacial? How Does it Work?

The Hydrofacial, also known as Hydrodermabrasion is a simple treatment like microneedling and takes about 30 – 60 minutes with little or no downtime. This superficial treatment is revered due to its superior ability in resurfacing the skin gently by implying a multi-step procedure.

Cleanse + peel

The treatment uncovers a fresh layer of skin with entirely non-abrasive, liquid exfoliation.

Extract + hydrate

Hydrafacial removes debris from blocked pores with pain-free suction. On the parallel, it infuses the skin with variety of personalized serums.

Fuse + protect

Hydermabrasion saturates the skin’s surface through customized solutions to repair the damaged skin and optimize its glow.

Which is Better? Hydrafacial or Microneedling?

When we talk about the good and bad about Hydrafacial vs. Microneedling, it’s important to understand that Microneedling is indeed a deeper treatment as compared to Hydrofacial. As a result, the aftercare, side effects and skincare results are poised to be different in both the cases. Let’s see a little more about it:

Pros and Cons of Hydrafacial

• An ideal pre-event treatment for instant glowing, makeup-ready skin.
• Indicated for most skin types, including sensitive skin and rosacea.
• Easily bearable treatment with minimal side effects and no downtime.
• Extremely hydrating for dull, dry skin.
• Indicated for more superficial skincare concerns than Microneedling.

Pros and Cons of Microneedling

• Promotes a stronger process of skin repair under the skin than the Hydrafacial.
• A go-to treatment to reverse textural changes to the skin, particularly when used in a series. It deals with acne scars, general scars and/or burns.
• Adjustable needle-depth means needles can reach deeper layers of the skin than the Hydrofacial.
• As a result, the treatment creates more injury to the skin, in order to induce collagen-production.
• While Microneedling downtime and post-care is still minimal, the Hydrofacial is considered the gentler of the two treatments. (This also explains why Hydrofacial                results are more superficial).
• Ideal to thicken and firm the skin besides reversing skin aging and sagging. This is particularly true, when used in a series.
• With Microneedling, skin appears red and sensitive to touch for several days.


Tags: #Hydrafacial Vs Microneedling #Microneedling Treatment #HydraFacial Manchester # New Era Skin # Beauty of HydraFacial # Microneedling Manchester


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